Saturday, August 27, 2016

My Introduction

My name is Miranda Freeman. I'm a fourth year architecture student at the University of Idaho. I'm from Walla Walla, Wa, wine country, where I was first inspired to study architecture by all the beautifully crafted Victorian era homes. My passions for design reside with residential architecture and sustainable design. Outside of school I enjoy spending time out in nature, discovering new places, and going on adventures. I just got back from a much needed gap year. Before I took that time off school I went on a 2 month long trip to Rome and completed a semester of school. Studying abroad was a very enriching,but exhausting experience (thus the gap year). But through that experience I have learnt a lot about urban design that shaped the way I think about architecture and the built environment. I'm very excited to continue my studies in this direction and improve my designs with the urban environment in mind!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miranda,
    Nice to see you here. Look forward to reading your blog.
